Mar 8, 2011

Chain Mail

These are some chain mail pieces I've made. Both use what is called a 4 in 1 pattern, meaning each ring is attached to exactly 4 other rings (except for seams and edges). Each ring is handled individually, and closed using pliers in each hand.

The Griffin

Made out of 16 gauge galvanized steel. The griffin pattern is made of copper rings. Each ring is 5/16th inch in diameter. Weighs about 14 pounds. It has roughly 13,000 individual rings.

Blood Dragon Chain
For those of you who are familiar with the BioWare game "Dragon Age", I copied this pattern from a special piece of armor that you got in-game when you purchased the special edition. Theirs only came in Plate Mail (my wife wont let me have a forge, for some reason). Here's what it looks like in the game. I also have a few pictures of this piece during its construction, as well as the pattern I created for it - on Facebook.

This shirt is much bigger and shinier than The Griffin. It is made of 16 gauge aluminium rings, the red is anodized aluminum. All 5/16 diameter. It weighs roughly 7.5 pounds, and has over 20,000 rings.


  1. The Blood Dragon mail is awesome!

  2. You make chain mail?! That is pretty freakin' cool.

  3. Seriously...that's so very awesome. And useful in times of rioting :)

  4. Very cool, Andy. How long did the dragon take you?

  5. There's well over 100 hours in each of them, the Dragon considerably more because it had a lot more rings, and the aluminum was harder to handle.
